Single & Dating

A 9 Week Empowerment Group
Starting SPRING 2025

“Romance lesson #1 – How to love and appreciate who you are.”

Dear Singles,

New love could very well find you and be yours – if you are willing to show up in a new, empowered way.
To be empowered is to be confidently yourself with a courage to be also vulnerable.

Do not wait until you are thinner, making more money or any other self-imposed condition that is stopping you.
Your life awaits… and wants to show up for you in new and spectacular ways!
Join us and find out how to meet it with a confident smile.


What the group will cover

Getting your needs met without compromising yourself

Unconditional self-respect, sufficiency and self-love

 Strength in vulnerability and elegant self-disclosure

 Intimacy through body language & engaging conversation

 Overcoming the fear of loneliness

The fun of skillful flirting

 Overcoming fear of rejection

 Overcoming anxiety and shyness

 Having clarity and communicating clearly

 Saying “no” when a “no” is the right answer

 Self-compassion when things do not go as expected


Intimate group of 8-10

You will be welcomed in a friendly, respectful and safe environment that encourages self-expression and allows for vulnerability in safety and for confidential sharing.


Twice a month with a choice of a day and location

  • In San Francisco / Marina District on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings
  • In Marin / Mill Valley or San Rafael on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings

$65 – $75 sliding scale / session

2 Scholarships available 


Commitment required

To ensure individual success and cohesiveness of the group, commitment to the 9 weeks of the group meetings is required.


Initial interview for prospective participants will be held prior to the group forming.